• Alert:

    We wanted to take the opportunity to re-share information about our Bus Driver recruiting incentive program in the link here: https://bit.ly/3UCXot4

    If you know of anyone who might be interested in becoming an integral part of PUSD as a driver, please encourage them to apply via the link here: https://paysonunified.tedk12.com/hire/ViewJob.aspx?JobID=332

    If you have any questions about the incentive program or would like to apply, please reach out to us, and we'll be happy to help!

    Thank you for all you do for PUSD!
    Chuck Savvy 928-472-5739
    Christine DeCarlo 928-472-5877

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Staff Profile

Andrea O'Grady
Andrea O'Grady
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Faculty - Payson Center For Success - Distance Learning

Andrea O'Grady was born in Canada, but was raised in Arizona. Upon graduation from ASU she worked in the financial realm as a mortgage loan officer, as well as finishing out her commitment to the United States Naval Reserve. Her teaching career began in 2008 and she has taught elementary, middle, and high school students. Andrea moved to Strawberry in May of 2019 with her husband, dogs, and two of her three kids, and began working for Payson Unified School District that same year. The two youngest of her children both graduated from Payson High School in 2020 and 2023.